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All CollectionsAccessibility on Superdrug Mobile
What accessibility services does Superdrug Mobile offer?
What accessibility services does Superdrug Mobile offer?

Everyone’s welcome in our crew!

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a year ago

We want you to get the most from Superdrug Mobile, so for our customers with visual, hearing or dexterity impairments, we offer a range of accessibility services that are intended to make it easier to communicate.

If you’ve got any questions about any of these services, please use one of the options below to contact us:

Talk to us on web chat

Look for the web chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of our website, then just click on it and send us a message.

Email us

You can reach us at:

Call us

Leave us a voicemail including as much information as you can about your request. We'll call you back within 48 hours:


Our number is 0800 033 8011 and we're here between 9am and 6.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). 


Contact us on 0800 358 6799 between 9am and 6.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

Using a Minicom textphone to make calls

If you have difficulty hearing or speaking, you can use a Minicom textphone to make calls. It has a keypad and a small screen that lets you type what you want to say and read what the person on the other end of the phone is typing back. 

To buy a Minicom textphone visit Action Hearing Loss, where you’ll also find other devices, advice and resources. When you’re ready, please get in touch with our dedicated accessibility team.

Vulnerable situations

We have created a useful guide that explains how we're able to help customers who find their circumstances have changed: Vulnerable Situations 24.09.21.pdf

For more information please see:

Need more help?

You can contact us via web chat – we love to chat! Web chat is available 8am-8pm, 7 days a week (excluding Bank Holidays).

If you need help outside of these times, you can still submit your question via web chat and leave your email address or mobile number. We’ll reply as soon as possible.

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